Since transitioning to a fully agile process, we now run fortnightly iterations. From time to time, we will share the outcomes of an iteration and keep you all up to date.
Some of the key items that came out of this iteration were:
1) Record View in SuperWEB2 - we have implemented our first two user stories:
"As a SW RecordVIEW user, I want a way of seeing all the unit records that relate to a crosstab table so that I can understand the detail behind the crosstabulation".
"As a SW RecordVIEW user, I want filtered view of the unit records that relate to the cells in a crosstab table I choose so that I can focus on specific areas of interest"
We have implemented RecordView using GWT in the RESTful style. GWT allows us to get a Rich Internet client user experience. Using REST means that it is easy for other clients such as SuperView to consume the RecordView service.
2) Aggregated mapping for SuperWEB2
“As a SW2 user, I want to have a faster mapping experience so that I can be more productive”.
The Mapping team have done some great work to improve the performance of our mapping solution in SuperWEB2. They have developed a ArcGISMap widget which allows SuperWEB2 to communicate directly with the Arc GIS Server via a REST interface. This means much faster zoom and pan performance with maps.
3) SuperCROSS Local Annotations Refactor – we are making good progress to get the Annotations working correctly again in SuperCROSS and are on track with our plans.
4) Automated testing – we have also made good progress in automating the testing of SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2.
If you have any questions regarding our progress on the 6.7 release, or about any SuperSTAR product, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Oh my goodness I just saw a demo of the mapping. It's very cool - faster, nicer looking, integration with mouse wheel for zoom in and out. It's already a mashup too which is really exciting - I saw maps from ArcGISonline combined with our thematic maps.